Travel to Bandung with Hefftig

The most memorable moment in my life is when I and my group goes to Bandung. First I’m gonna tell you about my group. My group is call Hefftig. Hefftig consists of my sma friends. we are very happy to know we want to go to bandung. we went to bandung using minibus . we consist of 20 people, actually more than that, but others are busy taking care of other affairs.

On the day of departure, we gathered in one of our friends' houses. We waited a long time because there was one of our friends who did not come, and it turns out he did not come. But  that did not prevent our intention to go, with all our readiness to finally depart from Jakarta to Bandung.

We went to Bandung to coincide with the “bulan puasa", and by that time the traffic on the highway was so crowded, so we could not bear the hunger. In the bus it's only me who is Catholic, my other friend is Islam,  then I also fasted at that time.

Finally after traveling for six hours we got in Bandung. When we got there it was late afternoon, so we immediately look for the restaurant to break the fast. When we got to the restaurant, we ordered the food immediately, and when the food came I immediately ate my food, then my friend looked at me.

I forget that when I eat it is not my friend's time to eat, because the call to prayer (adzan) has not sounded. finally I just do two bribes and wait until the call to prayer (adzan) and we eat together.

We have fun in Bandung, there we go to the sights, culinary tour, take pictures together, tell stories together, laugh together, happy together. We are not like friends but like family. Sometimes i like to remember them, we are happy together. I think this is the most memorable moment for me.


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